[ROM SNES] Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (USA)

NameSuper Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World
Release DateDecember 1, 1994
PlatformSuper Nintendo Entertainment System

Revisit the magic and fun of the classic Super Mario Bros. series on your Super NES! Play through Super Mario World, plus all the great Super Mario Bros. games for the NES have been powered up with 16-bit graphics and sound and collected on one super game pak. As an added bonus, the previously unreleased “Lost Levels” are included. These super challenging courses have never been available in this country until now! * Five great games in one game pak! Play through Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3 & Super Mario World! * Battery backed memory saves up to 4 players’ progress through every game! * Play alone or 2 players can alternate play! * New 16-bit graphics, sound, and other surprises!

Download ROM for SNES. This game is available to direct download. ROM download requires a emulator to play the game offline. This Game is the highest quality available.

